Posted by Christine Fleeger
6/04/2009 11:35:00 AM
baseball Robby Pride Report card School
I am sitting here today waiting for my son to get off the bus on his last day of 2nd grade. Everyone keeps telling me I am being sappy, altho I just can't seem to help remembering his first day of Kindergarten. How he got on that bus so excited and I held it together till he got out of our long driveway and I lost it. At the time I had no other children and he was my entire world. Shortly there after he started into sports first there was karate, that was fun but it was way to time consuming. Next came soccer and he was good but again we were getting into arguments to go to practice. Then this last year he asked me to skip soccer and sign him up for baseball in the spring. I did reluctantly after all the only thing I knew about baseball was to go to games and look for cute guys when I was in collage. Let me just say that was one of the best things I have ever done. Besides getting to spend time with his friends he is really excelling. According to my father who knows way more than me about baseball my son has over an 800 batting average. (Apparently this is really good) So at the game the other night 6-2-09 Robby came away with the game ball. A little thing the coach does at the end of each game for the MVP of that game. Robby not only got up to bat 5x but he hit all five and scored 3x. I am so proud of him!!!! So as of now my son has gotten off the bus as a proud third grader. I know there will be many more accomplishments to come and so many more reasons to stand up and proudly exclaim "Yes I am Robby's Mom!" as of now I am a the Proudest Momma Ever! Oh and he just gave me his report "WOW could I get any happier today!" Way to go bud!
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