Hey there everyone. I know it has been a while since I have been on, I just haven't felt up to it my Migraines were back
altho now after quite a few procedures and med adjustments I think we finally have them under
control. In that time I have spent the time that I could reading and trying to grow my
business. In my
endeavors I have found a great new book. Making Work at Home Work. by Mary M Byers. You can purchase this book
thru the MOPS web site under the MOPS Shop. I have found that this book has so many good ideas on how to blend both my family life and my
business under my (well lets face it ) small roof. This year has been
especially trying due not only to the onset of my migraines whenever they feel like but that Anne has decided that she no longer wants or is willing to take naps. This was the time in the past when I would get my
business done. As my customer base was growing (thank goodness due to my husbands recent layoff) I was finding it more difficult to keep my daughter and my husband for that matter occupied and out of my hair for a few hours each day so I could get work done. I found that at the end of each chapter she has posted a "lesson learned" section. a nice over view if you have been reading in the evening while hubby watches
TV or the kids are playing at your feet. I also enjoyed the Mom Profile after each chapter. It really shows you that there are moms out there doing this and it just takes some
organization and rules that not only your family needs to respect but you need to respect also.