Robby's Surgery

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 11/24/2009 08:20:00 PM


Surgery for my boy?!?!?

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 11/06/2009 05:33:00 PM
Yesterday was a crazy day for me. I got a call around lunch from my son's school to please come get him, he had a fever and a sore throat. After picking him up we headed to the drug store to pick up some meds, I received a series of texts from my husband. Hubby- Anne just got bit Me- by what??? Hubby- the dog she was pulling on his tail while I was in the bathroom Me- Did she get hurt Hubby- no not really Me- OK maybe this time she has learned her lesson. A few minn later I get some more Hubby- Are you headed home yet? Me- No we are getting the meds and then some groceries be home soon tho Hubby- Can you hurry? Me- WHY???? Hubby- I am getting a stone. Me- Seriously? Hubby- Yep Me- K on my way So needless to say I was a bit overwhelmed yesterday. After speaking to my son's Dr she decided it was time to see the ENT at the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. I knew what we were in for today going down there. My son was having his tonsils out. So Tuesday morning we are getting up bright and early and headed back down to the south side of Pittsburgh to have his surgery done. At my son's request we have been video documenting this process and will have a Vlog for you when this is all over.


Your Baby Can Read.

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 11/03/2009 03:58:00 PM
I have been seeing the commercials for the Your Baby Can Read system on TV and have thought that if this can work it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. So after a while of thinking and debating my husband and I decided to purchase it for our daughter. My thought was if she could get something out of this program great if not I would use the program as she got older for flash cards. Either way I would get use out of this program. We received the program last Friday and have watched the first video many times in the past few days. I am so far liking the program altho I am seeing no great advancement in my daughter, my son is first involved in helping his sister with this video which is nice and second encouraging her to stay interested. The program comes with lessons there are five lessons. Each lesson contains a DVD, Flashcards that have the word on them and a pull out section that has a picture to correspond, A book with the words from that lesson in it. On the DVD first they review the words by not only having the written word on the screen while reciting it but then showing your child what that is. When they are done with the words there is a game at the end. We have found this to be a fun family time. I will be keeping you updated on my daughters progress with this program periodical. So please check back for updates. I do want to disclose that we did NOT receive this program at any discounted rate for this review, We purchased this program on our own.


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