Posted by Christine Fleeger on 9/27/2012 11:18:00 AM

The day yesterday started with my dryer being declared dead. You might think now how can you top that? Well my children came home from school and my daughter was literately walking the walls. It was raining so she couldn't go outside and play but had way too much energy pent up from sitting in school all day. I had my kids help make dinner, Tacos, we had a nice family dinner and were about to start homework when my son and daughter (and husband too) started to goof off. In the end my son ended up being rushed to the ER with what we thought at the time was a broken wrist. Thank goodness it ended up just being a bad sprain and bruise. After a splint and sling we were on our way home, and just in time for bed.



Posted by Christine Fleeger on 9/24/2012 11:53:00 AM
One way we are able to keep our blogs free and open to everyone is to allow certain companies to advertise on our site not only here but on www.momandherapps.blogspot.com as well. Please don't forget about these ad's they are located below our posts and off to the side. All you have to do is click on one that interests you and it helps keep our site free. Thank you for your help.


Mom and her Apps

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 9/21/2012 09:23:00 AM
Hello friends and family. I have started a new blog that will be directed to mom's and their apps. I currently use an iPhone although most of the apps that I will be reviewing are available either on the Android market or via the internet as well as iTunes. I will be reviewing many apps that I feel will make either mom or the whole family's lives easier. I will also review a few apps that you can make some money on. I will not post any apps that I don't use myself. So far I am finding the apps and reviewing them on my own although I have been approached to review a few apps and products that will be given to me and I will always note that in my reviews. I hope you will enjoy this new review site. Please sign up on the left hand side of www.momandherapps.blogspot.com to receive updates from us as we post. I also am looking for any apps that you use that make your life easier or that you couldn't live without. I am also looking for guest bloggers so please let me know if you are interested.



Posted by Christine Fleeger on 9/18/2012 09:39:00 AM

Soccer season has begun for the Little Hounds!! It took some convincing this year but now that the season has started my little soccer star is so excited to be playing.

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 9/18/2012 09:32:00 AM

Another school year has begun. We are only one week into our school year because of delays due to construction. My youngest started Kindergarten this year and yes I balled on the first day of school. My oldest is in 6th grade, his second year of middle school. I found myself with a wierd feeling this past week I was remembering when my oldest was starting school but looking forward to the day he graduates.


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