Posted by Christine Fleeger
10/16/2009 01:40:00 PM
Well I hear it every week from my working mom friends, "TGIF". I said that too when Friday @5pm meant something. No more responsibilities well till Monday Morning that is, the time when you call all your girlfriends and figure who's house you were meeting at and where were you going for the night. Or even 9 years ago when I had my son and was still working I would look forward to that same time so I could get home and spend the weekend with my son. I worked really hard to be where I am now, A hap plied married mother of two great kids who runs her own business out of the house so I don't miss out on anything with my kids. I don't feel like I have the right to ask for me time when I am not the only parent in this house. But on the other hand I am completely jealous of my husbands ability to go places and not think twice about the kids. Even if I do get the opportunity to go out with friends or just shopping by myself for a few hours all I can think about is what are the kids doing and are they OK. So I have to wonder will this feeling ever stop do I make my self go? I think this week has been harder than most for a few reasons, first my son and daughter have been sick over the past few weeks and that always makes things complicated. We also are in the home stretch of our Kitchen/living room remodel and need to have certain things done when my parents get back from vacation this week, that is the other thing my parents have been gone for two weeks and that is always hard on us because my kids are so attached and love spending time with them, as well as we take care of there house and animals while they are away. We also this week took my father in law back for some tests. In the past he has fought testicular cancer. That alone puts us all on edge. As we hit this milestone in this particular week I too find myself saying TGIF (then I look at our family calendar and realize that there is not a day free till after the beginning of November.)