Posted by Christine Fleeger
9/11/2009 07:48:00 AM
I know there will be many many many posts out there today about the tragic events that happened on September 11,2001. I am sad like most Americans are today. But I also have to send out a Great Big Hug to the families and loved ones of the HERO'S of Flight 93 that crashed in Shanksville PA. The men and women of this flight did more than they know by taking back our skys that frightful morning. Personally they saved my family. Not only did this flight fly over my parents home where my mother was babysitting my almost 1yr old son but it was headed back to our nations capital and had it crashed closer my family that lives by there might have been in the path of destruction. I know there were many people who lost loved ones on that day and I can only pray that they are comforted in knowing that the lives that were lost on that particular part of that horrible day saved so many others and I will always look at them as one of our GREATEST HEROS!!!!!!! As of today 8 years later there is no permanent memorial to honor these heros please check out www.honorflight93.org and see what you can do to help future generations know about our heros of today!
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