ER Visit
Posted by Christine Fleeger
9/28/2009 01:34:00 AM
This afternoon I ended up taking my husband to the ER. He came home last night with an ache in his back and took the trash out for me while reaching to replace the bag he bent wrong and pulled his back. I tried to convince him last night to go to the ER when it would not be as busy and an easier visit on me. Although just like a man he insisted that he did not need to go and would be fine in the morning. Surprise Surprise he was in extreme pain in the morning. It still took me a few hours to convince him to go to the hospital and stop playing he man. Apparently it was a good thing that he compromised when he did because as soon as we got there his back started to go into spasms. As we were ready to check out and he was not still 100% better he asked the nurse for just one more shot. She informed him that he had been given enough meds in our short 3 hour stay to put him, myself and her out for the evening. Mind you that the ER at our local hospital know my husband very well as he suffers from stones at least two times a month. We have been home for a few hours now and my husband has been sleeping for most of that time. I am hopeful that he will be feeling better in a day or so as this week is a busy one for me. This weekend we are having a bonfire party. We do this every fall usually a few of my husbands friends although this year we are having approx 30 people here. I also have four printing jobs due this week, I am the room mother for our son's 3rd grade class and this week we have open house that entails me to call the moms to make cookies and have a poster ready for every one to sign up to help with the parties through the year. We are also in the process of remodeling our house I will be taking over my husbands duties with my father since we will be loosing his help as of Thursday due to a well deserved vacation my parents are taking. I am venting aren't I sorry for that my friends. I do find tho that if I blog it I end up getting it done. So note this universe I will be busy this week but by Saturday night I will be enjoying my friends at a very well deserved party. I am thinking that this week I will have to start vlogging more just to save time. I hope everyone has a productive and fun week.
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