Sister or Sister-in-Law

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/31/2009 02:40:00 PM
Fourteen years ago my brother was about to get married to what I saw at the time as the woman who was taking away my brother. We fought, oh my did we fight, at one point what now I can only imagine as an attempt to smooth things over my brother put us on the phone together and we had it out.
Looking back now at that time we have to laugh wishing I knew then what I know now. As of today I don't go one day without talking to my Sister-in-Law, although I only refer to her as my Sister. She is one of my biggest supporters, and defenders as I am hers. I am grateful that my brother chose Amy as his wife. She is an awesome Mother, Aunt, and Godmother and Sister. As I sit and write this my Brother and his family are getting ready to come home for a week. Oh yea did I forgot to mention we are as close as can be and yet we live 4 hours away. I have many women in my life but none as special as my sister!


Wordless Wednesday

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/29/2009 10:44:00 AM


Contest Contest Contest

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/26/2009 03:33:00 PM
Fern's music is fun and lively, she has a few CD's under her belt. USA Today recognized her talent when they recommended her christmas album nationwide. Her charisma even persuaded Virgin Mobile to present her as the face of their 2004 ad campaign. She is a former dancer, pianist, and preschool director, I believe that this gives her a great backround to draw on to give your childs first expierence to their own music a postive one. We have been given the privlage to sample one of her CD's Kids! Off To Dreamland. My daughter found this CD to be great. We used it last week before bedtime and she loved it. Now you will get this oppertunity too. We are giving away, Kids! Off To Dreamland Fern, the Stars and the Planets Kids! Christmas! Fern! Kids! Dance with Fern Kids! Hopping Into Easter with Fern How to win one of these CD's 1. Follow me on Twitter @FleegerFamily 2. Tweet about this contest make sure you put @FleegerFamily in your tweet 3. Blog about this contest Be sure to come back and leave me your URL so I can check out your blog 4. Grab our Widget and post it on your site again don't forget to come back and leave your URL 5. Subscribe to this blog. Each of these will get you 1 entry into the contest This contest is open to US mailing addresses only. The winners will be announced on an upcoming episode Mommy Moments then posted on this blog. The winners will have 48 hours to notify us with their mailing information .



Blogher 09

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/26/2009 01:19:00 AM in ,
OK so I didn't get to go to Blogher 09'. I was sad I couldn't go but in the end I ended up happy I was home. Not only did I have a great weekend with my family but on Thursday my daughter came down with the flu and was very sick, so I was happy I was home to take care of her. As you can see by the picture she was feeling so much better by Saturday night and the Bowlher live party. She LOVES Danielle from ExtraordinaryMommy.com , so when she saw me watching her on the red carpet from Bowlher she wanted to watch too. I have a strong feeling that she may end up being the youngest blogger real soon! To all my friends who got to go I hope you had a great time and I can't wait to hear all the stories and tips. I hope to join you next year.



Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/25/2009 12:16:00 PM
I have had a friend of mine this past few weeks send out some jealousy vibes. My first thought why in the world would you be jealous of me? My second thought was STOP! She has been trying to imitate what I do and how I live my life for a while now and I always though she was just so much like me. Then when I realized that she was doing these things just because I was doing them I was a bit flattered but in this past week I have gotten frustrated with the jealous comments. Besides my feelings on this I had to take a step back the other day when my son who understands what is going on and has even pointed it out to me a few times, looked at me and said why does XXXXX want to do everything you do and then tries to ruin it for you and why doesn't she just have her own life? I tried to explain this in his terms like when one of his friends gets a toy or video game that he really wants. He did understand but as usual my wise beyond his years son said "yea I feel that way for a second and then I get over it and am happy for my friend." So once again I have learned how to deal with a problem I am having by being a parent. I am going to get over it and hope that she will too.


Family Fun

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/23/2009 06:47:00 AM
As I told you in the last post my family was in town this weekend and we had a blast! First my Brother Frank arrived minus his oldest daughter and wife (they were greatly missed). Then my brother Joe arrived from California. We had a great dinner and a bonfire, catching up on old times and letting Joe get to know our kids. The next day we went to Pittsburgh for my cousins graduation party. As I sat in my uncles yard watching my brothers play basketball in the driveway it took me back to when I was little and sitting at Quail Park watching them stomp all over the neighborhood kids and then some punks would come from the North Side and try to beat them, My brothers would walk all over them! And if our friend Vernon was there then that was a great game of three on three. I miss those days.


Big weekend

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/16/2009 11:25:00 PM
Well I am not on my way to BlogHer but I also have a big weekend coming up this weekend. First tomorrow night my Brother is coming home and bringing one of my two nieces (the other had a prior obligation so she and her mother will be staying home and greatly missed) and my nephew home for the weekend. Then on Saturday my brothers best friend growing up (my suto brother since he was with us for everything) is coming home. We have not seen him in over 10 years. He is now retired from the navy and was stationed in CA. we are so excited to have the three of us back together again and to have him meet our children. I am sure I will have many pictures and fun times to talk about next week. Till then for you ladies at BlogHer have fun and keep us updated, and for thoes of you who can't go this week too I hope you have a great weekend see you all on Monday!


I love you TOO MUCH

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/08/2009 08:12:00 PM
Earlier today I was baking cupcakes with my daughter and as we were waiting for them to cook I had her sitting up on the counter and we were talking. When she was done telling me all about the cupcakes, how they were made, how they were cooking and how Daddy was going to love them. I told her "I Love You" and she said the cutest thing back to me "Mommy I Love You Too Much!" with such conviction. Now since my son was born I have had this little saying with him he says " I love you infinity and beyond and I say I love you best in the whole wide world. Never thinking at the time about more children I didn't see anything wrong with this. Within days of my daughter being born I realized that this may hurt her feelings. I have been searching for something special to say with her too. I think today's events have just solved my problem.


Mommy Moments

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/08/2009 02:35:00 PM
Mommy Moments Shared via AddThis


Wordless Wednesday!

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/08/2009 12:12:00 PM


New Radio Show

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/06/2009 12:21:00 PM
Join me LIVE on my Mommy Moments show on BlogTalkRadio at http://tobtr.com/s/598127 or call (347) 857-2433 on July 8th at 1:30pm. This will be a chance for me to introduce myself and let you know what our show will be all about. I would love to hear from you on topics you would want to talk about. Don't forget to check out our new blog at http://www.mommymigraines.blogspot.com/ This is your place to leave me your "Mommy Migraine Moments" we all do things as mom's that are "shortcuts" tell me about yours.


Monkey See Monkey Do

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/04/2009 10:12:00 AM
This morning as I sit here with my kids on the couch in front of my desk I am having a deja vu moment. My son is trying to play his video game and my daughter who recently awoke is sitting next to him with her controller (no batteries) doing everything he does. The other day as he was singing the theme to his fave cartoon she was imitating him and I was able to grab my video camera and capture it. I have to laugh tho because I can remember running around with my little cousins and telling my mother to make them stop doing what I am doing. Now as a mother I see how much just imitating her brother has given her an advantage. At this age altho my son is super smart he just didn't have the verbal skills she has from repeating everything he says. I am amazed at the connection they have, there is 6 years difference between them and some days they are like twins.


Smilebox review

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/03/2009 10:55:00 AM
I was not asked to review Smile Box but I felt that everyone should know about this if you don't know already. I do not remember how I came about having this software on my computer but you can get it from www.smilebox.com I had it on my computer for a while now but have not done anything with it, finally the other night after downloading my vacation photos I decided to check this program out. After making a cute interactive postcard for my family and friends I went to send it and found out that this will cost. If you only want to send it the price is $2.99 then there is a monthly fee of $5.99 if you prefer. At that price you get a lot more you can print your creation, E-Mail it, Post it to your blog, or Burn it to a CD. As you can see below I have posted our vacation journal interactive postcard to my blog, enjoy and I hope you will go check them out. Keep in mind just to try them it is free and they have hundreds of templates to choose from.


Key West

Posted by Christine Fleeger on 7/03/2009 01:16:00 AM
Click to play this Smilebox postcard: Key West Vacation
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